Privacy Policies

Data about your activity while here on this site is automatically provided to VANPAK LIMITED. when you sign on. Our servers automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit a Website. We will collect only information that is voluntarily provided by the user and undertake that such information will be kept strictly confidential. E-mail addresses and other personally identifying data about you is known to us only when you voluntarily submit or post it to us. We use personally identifying data which you provide to us to tell you about carefully screened products which we feel may be of interest to you.

In addition, we sometimes use E-mail addresses and other personally identifying information to contact visitors who communicate with VANPAK LIMITED. For example, we direct E-mail to visitors who provide us with their E-mail addresses for specific purposes such as responding to an inquiry or notifying users about upcoming promotions or trade shows. We also use the shipping and payment addresses of our customers to send them our print material including, but not limited to, our catalog which we feel will be of interest to them. If for any reason you no longer wish to receive communications from VANPAK LIMITED, please forward such request to us at:

The Privacy Policy adopted by VANPAK LIMITED, and all statements contained on this site about privacy and how we deal with data supplied by visitors to this site is not intended to be a contractual obligation of any kind and any such obligation is hereby disclaimed. These statements constitute the present policy of VANPAK LIMITED as to which it will take reasonable measures to implement. Similarly this Privacy Policy is not intended to be "advertising" or "advertising claims." Rather it is intended to set forth our policy, including our practices and intentions about how we conduct our business.